About East School
Address: 54 Little Brook Road, New Canaan CT 06840
Main Office: (203) 594-4200
East Nurse's Office: (203) 594-4217
School Hours of Operation: 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Student Hours:
Student Day: 8:40 AM to 3:10 PM
Delayed Opening: 10:40 AM
Early Dismissal: 12:40 PM
How do I report my child absent?
If your child will be absent, please call the East School main office by 8:30 am if your child is going to be absent from school. Should you need to contact East School teachers or staff, the email address format is firstname.lastname@ncps-k12.org.
What are the visitor guidelines?
Information applies to all school visitors:
Upon entering the school to volunteer or visit, please present photo ID at the Welcome Desk to obtain a visitor sticker.
Sign in with the campus monitor at the Welcome Desk and indicate the location and purpose of your visit.
Follow the direction of the campus monitor as to whether to proceed directly to the visit location or to the main office secretary.
Please walk directly to and from your destination to minimize disruptions or distractions to other classes, staff, or students. (This is also for the safety and security of our students.)
For the privacy and security of students, only individuals with prior explicit approval (ie. Yearbook photographer, etc.) may take photos of students while at school.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding any aspect of your time as a visitor at East School, please contact the East School principal or assistant principal directly to discuss your question or concern.
Return the visitor badge / sticker and sign out at the Welcome Desk at the end of your visit.
What are the Arrival and Dismissal procedures?
Please click HERE for a link to details regarding traffic flow, arrival, and dismissal procedures and refer to this document throughout the year as a reference. The school encourages families to use bus transportation to ease traffic flow at the start and end of the day, but if you do need to pick up your child, pickup by car will continue to be in the front loop.
- If you are picking up your child at the end of the day, please use the template HERE to make a Family Name Card. Please be sure to hang the name card from the passenger side window visor each day to allow our staff to match your child to your car.
- *** All pick-ups MUST be noted in the School Dismissal Manager system BY 1:45PM each day. The office is unable to take phone calls to record pickups and cannot make changes following 1:45PM.
- For car drop offs, please note students are not to be dropped off prior to 8:30 AM.
Important School Websites
East School Website: Visit this site for the latest school and district news and information.
Student Handbook: The Student Handbook is a resource for families; it provides an overview of programs at East and it articulates the policies and procedures that are in place. We encourage all families to review the Handbook each fall, as updates are made each year.
School Dismissal Manager: Use this site to notify the school of a change to your regular pick-up routine. All pickups or bus changes for your child must be noted in School Dismissal Manager (online) no later than 1:45PM daily by the parent. For the safety of your child, the office will not accept changes after 1:45PM. Requests by phone cannot be accepted; all changes must be entered in School Dismissal Manager by the parent for the safety and security of students.
WheresTheBus App: NCPS households can know when their student's bus will arrive at their stop. Download the WheresTheBus Parent App. You will need your child's WheresTheBus™ ID for your account setup. Look for the Transportation Information email sent by Roy Walder to find your child's bus ID.
LINQ Connect (formerly Titan School Solutions): School lunches are paid by cash or prepaid accounts through Titan Family Portal. Visit this website to make a deposit, check balances and see food purchases. Your child's student ID is necessary to create an account. If you don't have your child's student ID, email Michelle Santelli (michelle.santelli@ncps-k12.org) or call the East School main office. For more information, please see LINQ Connect FAQs.
Lunch Menu: Use this site to see monthly lunch menu. Students buying lunch receive fruit, vegetables, and a choice of drink with any meal purchased; other snack items (yogurt parfait, etc.) are available “a la carte” for an additional charge. Also, students who would like an extra portion of the day’s entree must indicate this to the classroom teacher in the morning to ensure that the appropriate order can be placed with our cafeteria; there is a $2.00 extra portion charge that then applies to the lunch purchase.
Before and After School Options
Right at School at East: This program will run after school from 3:15-6:00pm. Follow the link for more information about this program, along with registration links and pricing structure.
New Canaan Nature Center (NCNC):
The New Canaan Nature Center’s Fall 2022 Session After School Program is open to students in grade K - 4. This program includes: bus transportation from all three Elementary Schools, snack time, outdoor free play time, sustainable STEAM activities, and homework/quiet indoor time. Please visit the website for more information and contact Director of Environmental Education, Michelle Hips, at mhips@newcanaannature.org for more information.
New Canaan Parks and Recreation:
NC Parks and Recreation offers fall and winter after school programs at the schools that are one-day-a-week programs focused on specific activities, usually for eight or ten week sessions. Registration for these programs typically opens during the first weeks of September and January. Additionally, programs/classes/clinics and special events are open to the residents of the Town of New Canaan
and registration is coordinated through the Recreation Department Office. There is an extensive
catalog available to students, and online registration is the preferred method of
Early Bird Programs (elementary):
To assist families who may have before-school child care needs in the elementary schools, the district will offer an “Early Bird” program at East, South, and West Schools this year. It runs from 7:30 - 8:30 AM. Registration information for Early Birds can be accessed HERE.
Join the PTC
Join the PTC and get instant access to the student directory for the 2024-2025 school year! The annual membership fee of $30 helps to fund new and existing programs that enrich the educational experience of all East students. Click HERE to join!
Upcoming Events
- Friday, March 14
- Tuesday, March 18
- Tuesday, March 25
- Saturday, March 29